IHK zu Dortmund
AHK Tunesien Events Hauptkategorie
8. Deutsch-Afrikanisches Wirtschaftsforum NRW
IHK zu Dortmund
Märkische Straße 120
+49 231 54170
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Langue de l'événement
The conference language is German. Translation in English will be served.
Participation fee: 100 Euro.
Début de l'événement
06-03-2024 · 09:00
Fin de l'événement
06-03-2024 · 18:00

we are happy to inform you about the upcoming 8th German-African Economic Forum North Rhine-Westphalia on “Successful with African Business Partners in uncertain times!” on 6th March 2024 in Dortmund!

The forum will be jointly organized by the Institute for International Relations (Auslandsgesellschaft.de) and the Chambers of Commerce and Industries in North Rhine-Westphalia (IHK NRW), mostly financed by the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Land NRW) and supported by further notable partners.

The forum shall be carried out in presence of the participants.

Continuing the successful tradition of the previous years, the 8th German-African Economic Forum provides an unique platform for German and North Rhine-Westphalian entrepreneurs, allowing the exchange among businesses and to inform about market entry potentials and commerce with Africa.

In 2024 the forum will focus on the opportunities arising from current trends and promising sectors in Africa. Participants will receive information from successful entrepreneurs and experts on market opportunities in the current trend areas:

  • Sales markets in Africa: great opportunities for the export business
  • Procurement from Africa: Nearshoring, diversification of supply chains and using home advantages
  • Solutions for the demand for skilled workers in Africa and Germany
  • Decarbonization, raw materials and sustainability: Win-Win with Green Tech

The focus will be on the following key sectors:

  • Digital Business
  • Construction Business
  • Renewable Energies and Environmental Technologies
  • Circular Economy
  • Customer Services
  • Food Technology
  • Textile Industry
  • Natural Products
  • Training and Education

In addition to the high-calibre Opening Talk and the Panel Discussions, the highlights of the forum include the Pitch by African start-ups, a matchmaking area for networking among participants, as well as exchanges with representatives of the African Chambers of Commerce Abroad and Delegations (AHKs) and institutions such as GTaI, Euler Hermes, Business Scouts for Development …

Highlights of the 8th German-African Business Forum NRW:

  • High-calibre political line-up about the Global Gateway Africa
  • Top entrepreneurs on the panels
  • B2B Matchmaking Area and Networking with all participants
  • Pitch by African start-up companies
  • a wide range of advisory services
  • excellent partners
  • up-to-date markets information
  • Sustainable impulses for your Africa business!

For further information please check the following website www.afrika-wirtschaftsforum-nrw.de.